Special Education Department Staff: Benjamin Duffey, Director Kathy Holland, Teacher Amanda Sasser, Teacher Karah Beth Riley, Speech/ Language Pathologist Hannah Duffey, Paraprofessional Tiffany Ellington, Paraprofessional
Ty Riley, Paraprofessional
Emily Outlaw, Paraprofessional
The Special Education Program serves children ages 3 through Fifth Grade. To receive Special Education Services students must meet eligibility requirements. Students are provided services as outlined in an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) in keeping with federal and state laws, regulations, procedures, and policies. Special Education Child Find Programs in Bells, Alamo, and Crockett County identify children between the ages of three and twenty-one with special education needs. These needs may include: speech/language impairments, other health impairments, vision or hearing impairments, orthopedic impairments, physical impairments, autism, specific learning disabilities, serious emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, intellectually gifted, traumatic brain injury or intellectual disabilities. Any one can refer a child. At Bells Elementary School Special Education Services are provided in a variety of settings such as: individually, in small groups, inclusion in the regular classroom, consultation or homebound education. Some of the programs (in addition to the general curriculum) utilized to enhance academic instruction in the Special Education Department are: Accelerated Math, Accelerated Reading, Lexia, Edmark Reading, Reading Eggs, Essential Skills, and Study Island. Questions About Child Development Our Special Education Child Find Program supports children between the ages of three and twenty-one with special education needs. These needs may include: developmental delays, speech/language impairments, other health impairments, vision or hearing impairments, orthopedic impairments, physical impairments, autism, specific learning disabilities, serious emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, intellectually gifted, traumatic brain injury or intellectual disabilities. If you have any concerns about the development or needs of any child please contact Martha Barry or Karah Riley at Bells Elementary School. Children can be screened and/or referred for many services to meet individual needs. Any one can refer a child